Todos os artigos etiquetados: vitrine
A brief report of fashion people gathering together to celebrate Levie’s 63rd birthday. Detailed list of attending guests and celebrities, and a general look on cloths, food and drinks, the most memorable looks of the event. Who was the DJ and who planned it, to know all of these continue reading.
Ler MaisPhotography is the art who fashion industry relies on a lot. The fact that no cloth would be seen without proper presentation by the photographer is undeniable. Some photographers choose to select natural landscapes as photo shooting field while other prefer studio shooting or custom made seans.
Ler MaisAs fall comes shopping for school begins, many designers start to design backpacks and many individuals look for durable items to be used during school year. This is the battle between style and comfort since these backpacks are used for carrying heavy items.
Ler MaisIf you enjoy a good sale and an on budget shopping experience wait for the end of season sale of Cloth Diva in the 5th avenue. In normal sales buying a blouse in this store may cost from 600-900 dollars while on sale the same cloth costs about 100 dollars or less.
Ler MaisStyles and elegance varies from person to person, a look may be appealing to someone while others find it too frustrating. Even though this is a common fact, you will find exceptions to this, one might be a nice classic watch with leather straps that always looks chic and matches any look.
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